The Core Courses (5)
These are my best must-have courses. The courses were carefully selected by me to help all of my students with learning and productivity.
The logic is as follows:
1. Orientation and Homework are very small minicourse to give you some basic tools. I provide it with all of my courses. Take them before you start. Consider them pro-bono.
Strengths and Assets minicourse should focus you on the skills you can improve.
2. Memory masterclass. This is a very basic, important and huge course. Do not do all of it in one go. Get to the point where you can manage mindmaps and mental palaces reasonably well. Take other courses, and then go back.
3. Speedreading is actually a huge subject. You will need to choose the reading style that works best for your task and stick to it. Progress to the point when you do not subvocalize and then move on. You can always return to improve. I got where I am after 10 years of training.
4. Speedwriting masterclass. This is a very big deal, but relatively easy to go through. The idea is to replace spaced repetition and other passive methods with actual writing, an active process. This is very important for comprehension and long-term retention. If you want to remember something for years and build a reputation, this is the way to do it. Once you get the relevant habits, move on. You can always go back and learn more.
5. Research and creativity. This is a class that deals with logic and reasoning. You may need it to improve your understanding and your reading. It kind of prompts for independent research. Hopefully, by now you will be able to do research quite well.
6. Time management and flow. This course will make everything easier. You can basically take it with any other courses. Unlike other courses in this package, you can apply productivity skills to anything you do. I could not survive without these skills.
I honestly think that return on investment here is phenomenal. If you master the core skills, you will be able to master pretty much any intellectual work. And please take your time with learning. Do the cycle of courses several times as you get to more advanced techniques. Years of fun guaranteed.
Here are all the courses that are included in your bundle.
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Lev Goldentouch