Keytovision Visualization and Self-help masterclass
Triple the quality of your visualization, learn anchoring and diffusion to deal with emotional issues
This course uses the main tools of most practicing psychologists: CBT and NLP, and various materials, which come from other disciplines in a very unique setting.
The basic claim is simple: the visualization and analytical skills we develop to learn better also allow us to live better. It is known that people with high IQ are less likely to suffer, have higher salaries and live longer. We will try to take it one step further.
The vast majority of the lessons are very practical. These are the tools that I (Lev Goldentouch) personally use in my life when I need to face my demons. Only the tools that I used successfully for several months or more are listed.
I do not claim to invent any of the stuff in this particular course. In this particular case, my role was collecting ideas that work and trying them on myself. Eventually, patterns emerged, and I share them with you.
Lev Goldentouch
How to use this course
Section 1 Lesson 1 - Intro
FREE PREVIEWSection 1 Lesson 2 - Pavlov's Dogs
FREE PREVIEWSection 1 Lesson 3 - Symbols Or Metaphors
FREE PREVIEWSection 1 Lesson 4 - Working With Irrational
Section 1 Lesson 5 - Anchoring
Section 1 Lesson 6 - Root Cause And Mirror Neurons
Section 1 Lesson 7 - The Art Of Asking
Section 1 Lesson 8 - Revisiting Situations
Section 1 Lesson 9 - Fight Or Flight Response
Section 1 Lesson 10 - Common Mistakes
Section 1 Lesson 11 - Stepping Out Of Comfort Zone
Section 1 Lesson 12 - Creating Abundance
Section 1 Lesson 13 - Getting Better
Section 1 Lesson 14 - Swish Pattern
FREE PREVIEWPractice the basic tools
Resilience and vagus nerve
Stop pressuring yourself
Section 2 Lecture 1 - Make Your Own Story
FREE PREVIEWSection 2 Lecture 2 - Future Pacing
Section 2 Lecture 3 - Our Needs
Section 2 Lecture 4 - Choose Being A Hero
Section 2 Lecture 5 - Circle Of Competence
Section 2 Lecture 6 - Accept Yourself
Section 2 Lecture 7 - Reframing
Section 2 Lecture 8 - To Be Or Not To Be Mindful
Section 2 Lecture 9 - Meditation And Cognitive Flexibility
Section 2 Lecture 10 - Mind Of A Monkey Or A Donkey
Section 2 Lecture 11 - Mental Blocks
Section 2 Lecture 12 - Desensitization Broken Memories
Section 2 Lecture 13 - Ego States
Section 2 Lecture 14 - Body Scan
FREE PREVIEWSection 2 Lecture 15 - Gratitude And Forgiveness
PDSD treatment
Dealing with low confidence
Handling depression
Section 3 Lesson 1 - Ecology
FREE PREVIEWSection 3 Lesson 2 - Key Performance Indicators
Section 3 Lesson 3 - Game Engineering
Section 3 Lesson 4 - Social Engineering
Section 3 Lesson 5 - Toxic People
Section 3 Lesson 6 - Priming
Section 3 Lesson 7 - Empathy As A Tool
Section 3 Lesson 8 - Verbal Modality
Section 3 Lesson 9 - Body Language
Section 3 Lesson 10 - Mirroring
Section 3 Lesson 11 - Smile And Humor
Section 3 Lesson 12 - As If Exercise
Communication training
Section 4 lesson 1 - Personal Vision Statement
FREE PREVIEWSection 4 lesson 2 - Creature Of Habits
Section 4 lesson 3 - Changing The World
Section 4 lesson 4 - Foresight
Section 4 lesson 5 - Trend Research
Section 4 lesson 6 - Role Models
Section 4 lesson 7 - Core Competencies
Section 4 lesson 8 - Acceptable Risk Level
Section 4 lesson 9 - Boundaries And Red Lines
Section 4 lesson 10 - Success Criteria
Section 4 lesson 11 - Clarity Vs Trade-offs
Section 4 lesson 12 - Frames Of Reference
Section 4 lesson 13 - Goals And Milestones
Build a winning strategy for the product that is you
Section 5 lesson 1 - Cognitive Biases And Trading
FREE PREVIEWSection 5 lesson 2 - Most Common Cognitive Distortions
Section 5 lesson 3 - Discipline
Section 5 lesson 4 - Overwhelming Emotions And Lucid Dreaming
Section 5 lesson 5 - Damn Lies And Statistics
Section 5 lesson 6 - Group Thinking
Section 5 lesson 7 - Algorithmic Fallacies
Section 5 lesson 8 - Evolutionary Biases
Section 5 lesson 9 - Magical Thinking
Section 5 lesson 10 - Will Not Happen To Me
Section 5 lesson 11 - Facts Or Opinions
Section 5 lesson 12 - Metacognition And Cognitive Flexibility
Critical thinking training
Section 6 lesson 1 - Various Writing Skills
Section 6 lesson 2 - Writing As Therapy
FREE PREVIEWSection 6 lesson 3 - Formulation And Well-being
Section 6 lesson 4 - Principles Of Quick Writing
Section 6 lesson 5 - Self Talk
Section 6 lesson 6 - Keeping The Resources
Section 6 lesson 7 - Living With Controversies
Section 6 lesson 8 - Dialectics
Section 6 lesson 9 - Conducting An Argument
Section 6 lesson 11 - Using And Resisting Rhetorical Devices
Section 6 lesson 12 - Writing Templates
Section 6 lesson 10 - Pros And Cons Tables
Argue with yourself
Section 7 lesson 1 - Why Habits Matter
FREE PREVIEWSection 7 lesson 2 - Basic Methodology
Section 7 lesson 3 - Why Basic Methods Fail
Section 7 lesson 4 - Aversion Therapy
Section 7 lesson 5 - Gamification
Section 7 lesson 6 - State Chaining
Section 7 lesson 7 - Collapsing Anchors And Sublimation
Section 7 lesson 8 - Biofeed back And TDSC
Section 7 lesson 9 - Rewards And Punishments
Section 7 lesson 10 - Changing Viewpoints
Section 7 lesson 11 - Transforming Failure Into Feedback
Section 7 lesson 12 - Belief Changing
Section 7 lesson 13 - Low Confidence
Section 7 lesson 14 - Transcending The Change
Overcoming fears and addiction
SECTION 8 LESSON 1 - What Is Mindset
FREE PREVIEWSECTION 8 LESSON 3 - Typological Approach
SECTION 8 LESSON 4 - Does Our Character Change
SECTION 8 LESSON 5 - Best Mindset For Learning
SECTION 8 LESSON 6 - Moneymaking Mindset
SECTION 8 LESSON 7 - Caring Mindset
SECTION 8 LESSON 8 - Mindset As A Limitation
SECTION 8 LESSON 9 - Mindset Training
SECTION 8 LESSON 10 - Optimism
SECTION 9 LESSON 1 - Splitting Mind
SECTION 9 LESSON 3 - Diffusion In Speedreading
SECTION 9 LESSON 4 - Life As Illusion
SECTION 9 LESSON 5 - Beyond Duality
SECTION 9 LESSON 6 - The Illusion Of Ego
SECTION 9 LESSON 7 - Visual Thinking
SECTION 9 LESSON 8 - Amplify Empathy
SECTION 9 LESSON 9 - Diffusion Is Not Dissociation
SECTION 10 LESSON 1 - Why Is Passion Important
SECTION 10 LESSON 3 - All Feelings Involved
SECTION 10 LESSON 4 - Passionate Gaming
SECTION 10 LESSON 5 - Dream Your Passion
SECTION 10 LESSON 6 - Reigniting Passion
SECTION 10 LESSON 7 - Have A List Of Questions
SECTION 10 LESSON 8 - Friends That Resonate
SECTION 10 LESSON 9 - Trophies
SECTION 10 LESSON 10 - Passions Vs Priorities
SECTION 10 LESSON 11 - Effortless And Empowering
SECTION 11 LESSON 1 - The Price Of Controlling Focus
SECTION 11 LESSON 2 - Hyper Focus And Flow
SECTION 11 LESSON 3 - Boredom Vs Multitasking
SECTION 11 LESSON 4 - Optimal Effort Level
SECTION 11 LESSON 5 - Locked Focus And Reframing
SECTION 11 LESSON 6 - Stoics And Control
SECTION 11 LESSON 7 - Mindful Presense And Senses
SECTION 11 LESSON 8 - Situational Awareness
SECTION 11 LESSON 9 - Toys And Motion
SECTION 11 LESSON 10 - Misophonia And Noise Cancellation
SECTION 12 LESSON 1 - Reading For Inspiration
SECTION 12 LESSON 2 - Reading Bios
SECTION 12 LESSON 3 - Poetry And Visualization
SECTION 12 LESSON 4 - Reading Club
SECTION 12 LESSON 5 - Fictional Heroes
SECTION 12 LESSON 6 - Do Not Trust Motivational Writers
SECTION 12 LESSON 7 - If I Can Everyone Can
SECTION 12 LESSON 8 - Psychological Mythology
SECTION 12 LESSON 9 - Read To Feel Better
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Regular price
$50.00 / 12 months
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