SmartOrFun: Motivation Minicourse
Triple efficiency, half stress, half risk
Triple efficiency, half stress, half risk
To achieve this we build a simple framework:
1. Chunk tasks effectively
2. Do the big jobs in the flow state
3. Deal with objections using guided visualization
4. Define smarter goals
5. Apply creative problem solving
6. Invest wisely surplus resources
7. Analyze return on investment
8. Optimize every step
9. Stay positive
The course contains some basic intro materials on each of these subjects.
Lev Goldentouch
1 - Keytovision - 1_1_Intro
Under construction
2 - Keytovision -2_1_MakeYourOwnStory
3 - Keytovision -2_2_FuturePacing
4 - Keytovision - 2_4_ChooseBeingAHero
5 - Keytovision - 4_1_PersonalVisionStatement
6 - Speedreading - 7_17_ValuesVsGoals
7 - Speedreading - 4_10_PlanDoCheckAct
8 - Keytovision - 1_11_SteppingOutOfComfortZone
9 - Keytovision - 2_5_CircleOfCompetence
10 - Keytovision - 5_2_MostCommonCognitiveDistortions
11 - Keytovision - 4_5_TrendResearch
12 - Keytovision - 4_4_Foresight
13 - Keytovision - 4_12_FramesOfReference
14 - Investment - 1_3_TheInvestmentApproach
15 - Investment - 1_6_DeminishingReturns
16 - Investment -2_1_LearningAsInvestment
17 - Investment - 2_2_KnowledgeLifecycle
18 - Investment - 2_3_ContextOfKnowledge
19 - Investment - 2_8_InvestingIntoPersonalGrowth
20 - Investment - 2_16_OverlearningAndPRoductivityLearning
21 - Investment - 2_17_ReturnOnInvestmentInLearning
22 - Keytovision - 2_14_BodyScan
23 - Keytovision - 5_10_WillNotHappenToMe
24 - Investment - 6_8_SelfEducation
25 - Keytovision - 1_13_GettingBetter
26 - Investment - 8_1_SelfDisciplineIsAMust
27 - Investment - 8_6_HaveARulebook
28 - Speedreading - 8_12_Laws of training
29 - Keytovision - 7_5_Gamification
30 - Keytovision - 4_9_BondariesAndRedLines
31 - Investment - 8_17_FollowingTheRulesAndPersonality
32 - Speedreading - 8_9_FourTypesOfPeople
33 - Investment - 8_9_ExcessiveSelfDiscipline
34 - Investment - 8_2_ArousalLevels
35 - Speedreading - 6_2_GoodAndBadStress
36 - Investment - 2_10_BurnoutAndRecovery
35 - Speedreading - 6_2_GoodAndBadStress
36 - Investment - 2_10_BurnoutAndRecovery
37 - Speedreading - 7_1_TooManyThingsNotEnoughTime
38 - Speedreading - 7_2_GoodAndBadPractice
39 - Speedreading - 7_5_GoodAndBadMultitasking
40 - Speedreading - 8_3_TrainingContextSwitching
41 - Speedreading - 7_9_ManagementOverheads
42 - Speedreading - 7_7_TaskAggregation
43 - Keytovision - 7_6_StateChaining
44 - Speedreading - 6_1_SuperfluidityAsAGoal
45 - Speedreading - 6_3_SelectAWorthyChallenge
46 - Speedreading - 4_11_CreativeProblemSolving
47 - Speedreading - 4_12_FiveThinkingTools
48 - Speedreading - 6_5_PrerequisitesAndPreparations
49 - Speedreading - 5_10_IgnoringNoise
50 - Speedreading - 7_10_AttitudeAndMotivation
51 - Keytovision -2_11_MentalBlocks
52 - Keytovision - 2_6_AcceptYourself
53 - Keytovision - 6_5_SelfTalk
55 - Keytovision - 2_7_Reframing
54 - Keytovision - 6_11_UsingAndResistingRhetoricalDevices
56 - Keytovision - 1_8_RevisitingSituations
57 - Keytovision - 1_3_SymbolsOrMetaphore
58 - Keytovision - 1_5_Anchoring
59 - Keytovision - 1_14_SwishPattern
60 - Keytovision - 5_4_OverwhelmingEmotionsAndLucidDreaming
61 - Keytovision - 1_9_FightOrFlightResponse
62 - Keytovision - 1_7_TheArtOfAsking