Course Description

How to superlearn programming? You can read code faster or learn AI articles, but what you really need: write very fast very good code. About 4% of programmers write 60% of the code. Be one of the elite few learning pro tips and tricks.

I assume you can easily learn the basic computer language syntaxis. There are tons of books and courses. But then there is a huge question: now what?

I come home, and a want to build a cool project. What should it be? How to do this more effectively? How to turn this project into my next big startup? I cannot answer all of the questions, but I am sure my answers will help.

Senior Instructor

Lev Goldentouch

Dr. Lev Goldentouch, Lifehacker and technology guru.Dr Lev Gold finished PhD in machine learning and information theory when he was 27 years old. Understanding of similarity of machine learning and human super-learning allowed Lev to learn immense amounts of knowledge in many technological and cognitive subjects. Immediately afterwards Lev opened a consulting company, which offers its services to highly skilled individuals, agile startups and technological giants like Samsung. The super-learning tools developed by Lev allow ordinary people to learn x10 speed of their colleagues, and enable machines to solve extremely complex problems. Lev is an active lifehacker, constantly looking for new and better ways to do things, and willing to share his unique knowledge and experience with others.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    SECTION 1 - Programming Without Code

    • SECTION 1 LESSON 1 - Who Needs This Course

    • SECTION 1 LESSON 2 - Too Much To Learn

    • SECTION 1 LESSON 3 - Architecture For Developers

    • SECTION 1 LESSON 4 - Building Up The Relevant Skillset

    • SECTION 1 LESSON 5 - Prototyping As Investment

  • 2

    SECTION 2 - Design

    • SECTION 2 LESSON 1 - Naive And Professional Development

    • SECTION 2 LESSON 2 - Requirements And Use Cases

    • SECTION 2 LESSON 3 - The Elements Of Programming

    • SECTION 2 LESSON 4 - Planning Before Implementation

    • SECTION 2 LESSON 5 - Mindmapping

    • SECTION 2 LESSON 6 - Do Not Reinvent The Wheel

    • SECTION 2 LESSON 7 - Speedreading Software Documentation

    • SECTION 2 LESSON 8 - Speedreading The Code

    • SECTION 2 LESSON 9 - Programming Interfaces

    • SECTION 2 LESSON 10 - User Interface

    • SECTION 2 LESSON 11 - Testing And Coverage

  • 3

    SECTION 3 - Implementation

    • SECTION 3 LESSON 1 - Effective Implementation

    • SECTION 3 LESSON 2 - Local Or Cloud

    • SECTION 3 LESSON 3 - Entering Flow State

    • SECTION 3 LESSON 4 - Finding Time

    • SECTION 3 LESSON 5 - Small Increments And Pomodoro Breaks

    • SECTION 3 LESSON 6 - Using Subcontractors And Experts

    • SECTION 3 LESSON 7 - Readability

    • SECTION 3 LESSON 8 - Coding Style

    • SECTION 3 LESSON 9 - Design Patterns

    • SECTION 3 LESSON 10 - Refactoring And Code Reuse

    • SECTION 3 LESSON 11 - Design For Testing

    • SECTION 3 LESSON 12 - Notetaking And Comments

    • SECTION 3 LESSON 13 - Source Control

    • SECTION 3 LESSON 14 - Security

    • SECTION 3 LESSON 15 - Optimizing Performance

    • SECTION 3 LESSON 16 - Finding Answers Online

  • 4

    SECTION 4 - Website

    • SECTION 4 LESSON 1 - Motivation

    • SECTION 4 LESSON 2 - Market Research

    • SECTION 4 LESSON 3 - Branding

    • SECTION 4 LESSON 4 - Installations

    • SECTION 4 LESSON 5 - Visualize

    • SECTION 4 LESSON 6 - Personalizaton

    • SECTION 4 LESSON 7 - Add Ons

    • SECTION 4 LESSON 8 - What Is A Killer Content

    • SECTION 4 LESSON 9 - Write Your First Texts

    • SECTION 4 LESSON 10 - Testing

    • SECTION 4 LESSON 11 - User Feedback

    • SECTION 4 LESSON 12 - Buying Ads

    • SECTION 4 LESSON 13 - Maintenance

    • SECTION 4 LESSON 14 - Reiterate

  • 5

    SECTION 5 - Simple AI Project

    • SECTION 5 LESSON 1 - Smart Camera

    • SECTION 5 LESSON 2 - Installations

    • SECTION 5 LESSON 3 - Your First Dataset

    • SECTION 5 LESSON 4 - First Training

    • SECTION 5 LESSON 5 - Access The Camera

    • SECTION 5 LESSON 6 - Camera Calibration


    • SECTION 5 LESSON 8 - Optimizations

    • SECTION 5 LESSON 9 - Algorithmic Flow

    • SECTION 5 LESSON 10 - Augmenting Your Dataset

    • SECTION 5 LESSON 11 - Secret Sauce

  • 6

    SECTION 6 - Gadget (Arduino Pi)

    • SECTION 6 LESSON 1 - Playing With Robots

    • SECTION 6 LESSON 2 - Find The Need

    • SECTION 6 LESSON 3 - Defining The Specifications

    • SECTION 6 LESSON 4 - Computational Power

    • SECTION 6 LESSON 5 - Sensors And Motors

    • SECTION 6 LESSON 6 - Connectivity And Automation

    • SECTION 6 LESSON 7 - Boards And Connections

    • SECTION 6 LESSON 8 - Spare Parts And Deliveries

    • SECTION 6 LESSON 9 - Lego

    • SECTION 6 LESSON 10 - Car Or Drone Mounted

    • SECTION 6 LESSON 11 - Wearables

    • SECTION 6 LESSON 12 - Safety

    • SECTION 6 LESSON 13 - Community

    • SECTION 6 LESSON 14 - Family And Esthetics

    • SECTION 6 LESSON 15 - Having Fun

  • 7

    SECTION 7 - Mobile App

    • SECTION 7 LESSON 1 - Do You Really Need A Mobile App

    • SECTION 7 LESSON 2 - Market Research

    • SECTION 7 LESSON 3 - Native Or Cross Platform

    • SECTION 7 LESSON 4 - First Steps Cross Platform

    • SECTION 7 LESSON 5 - Allocate Screens

    • SECTION 7 LESSON 6 - Design Interactions

    • SECTION 7 LESSON 7 - Testing

    • SECTION 7 LESSON 8 - App Store Optimization

    • SECTION 7 LESSON 9 - To Launch Or Not To Launch

    • SECTION 7 LESSON 10 - Support Site And PR

    • SECTION 7 LESSON 11 - Freemium Or Paid

    • SECTION 7 LESSON 12 - Built In Virality

    • SECTION 7 LESSON 13 - Gamification

    • SECTION 7 LESSON 14 - Costs

  • 8

    SECTION 8 - Chatbot

    • SECTION 8 LESSON 1 - Centaur Systems

    • SECTION 8 LESSON 2 - Building Scripts

    • SECTION 8 LESSON 3 - Redefining Interactions

    • SECTION 8 LESSON 4 - Use A Platform

    • SECTION 8 LESSON 5 - Define Entities Dynamically

    • SECTION 8 LESSON 6 - Test Your Bot

    • SECTION 8 LESSON 7 - Natural Language Processing

    • SECTION 8 LESSON 8 - Integrate On Your Pages

    • SECTION 8 LESSON 9 - Analytics

    • SECTION 8 LESSON 10 - Realtime Engagement

    • SECTION 8 LESSON 11 - Embedded Solutions

    • SECTION 8 LESSON 12 - Voice Control

    • SECTION 8 LESSON 13 - Credibility Gap

    • SECTION 8 LESSON 14 - Consider Deactivation

    • SECTION 8 LESSON 15 - Having Fun

  • 9

    SECTION 9 - Entrepreneurship

    • SECTION 9 LESSON 1 - From Project To Company

    • SECTION 9 LESSON 2 - Slideware VS Software

    • SECTION 9 LESSON 3 - Partnership And Team

    • SECTION 9 LESSON 4 - Financing Or Revenues

    • SECTION 9 LESSON 5 - Minimum Viable Product

    • SECTION 9 LESSON 6 - From Project To Product

    • SECTION 9 LESSON 7 - From Team To Company

    • SECTION 9 LESSON 8 - The Wow Effect

    • SECTION 9 LESSON 9 - Passion Vs Greed

    • SECTION 9 LESSON 10 - Embrace The Failures

    • SECTION 9 LESSON 11 - Reducing Risks

    • SECTION 9 LESSON 12 - Preventing Burnout

    • SECTION 9 LESSON 13 - Dealing With Bad Judgement

    • SECTION 9 LESSON 14 - Avoiding Fears And Negativity

    • SECTION 9 LESSON 15 - Making Money

  • 10

    SECTION 10 - Hacker Lifestyle

    • SECTION 10 LESSON 1 - Step By Step

    • SECTION 10 LESSON 2 - A Typical Lifestory

    • SECTION 10 LESSON 3 - Leveraging Learning Skills

    • SECTION 10 LESSON 4 - Prioritizing

    • SECTION 10 LESSON 5 - Doing Things Differently

    • SECTION 10 LESSON 6 - Technological Debt

    • SECTION 10 LESSON 7 - Films Do Not Get It

    • SECTION 10 LESSON 8 - Being Passionate

  • 11

    SECTION 11 - Programming Languages And No Code

    • SECTION 11 LESSON 1 - The Easiest Part

    • SECTION 11 LESSON 2 - Performance Issues

    • SECTION 11 LESSON 3 - Multiprocessing

    • SECTION 11 LESSON 4 - Language Specific Issues

    • SECTION 11 LESSON 5 - Code Vs UI

    • SECTION 11 LESSON 6 - Deployment And Debugging

    • SECTION 11 LESSON 7 - System Configuration

    • SECTION 11 LESSON 8 - Embedding Other Languages

    • SECTION 11 LESSON 9 - Removing The Garbage

  • 12

    SECTION 12 - Optimizing Equipment

    • SECTION 12 LESSON 1 - Equipment Categories

    • SECTION 12 LESSON 2 - Limited Resources

    • SECTION 12 LESSON 3 - Conceptualize Your Activities

    • SECTION 12 LESSON 4 - Start With Ergonomy

    • SECTION 12 LESSON 5 - Monitors

    • SECTION 12 LESSON 6 - Input Devices

    • SECTION 12 LESSON 7 - Storage

    • SECTION 12 LESSON 8 - Cloud Services

    • SECTION 12 LESSON 9 - Manufacturing

    • SECTION 12 LESSON 10 - Do Not Overoptimize

  • 13

    SECTION 13 - Object Oriented Design

    • SECTION 13 LESSON 1 - Classes And Responsibilities

    • SECTION 13 LESSON 2 - Encapsulation And Header Files

    • SECTION 13 LESSON 3 - Virtual Functions And Interfaces

    • SECTION 13 LESSON 4 - The Rule Of Three

    • SECTION 13 LESSON 5 - Polymorphism

    • SECTION 13 LESSON 6 - Pattern Of Patterns

    • SECTION 13 LESSON 7 - Maintainability Scalability Extensibility

    • SECTION 13 LESSON 8 - The Gang Of Four


  • 14

    SECTION 14 - Project Complexity

    • SECTION 14 LESSON 1 - The Factors Of Complexity

    • SECTION 14 LESSON 2 - Risk Time Money

    • SECTION 14 LESSON 3 - Moving Target

    • SECTION 14 LESSON 4 - The Salami Method

    • SECTION 14 LESSON 5 - Packaging And Delivery

    • SECTION 14 LESSON 6 - Personal Preferences

    • SECTION 14 LESSON 7 - Hidden Complexity

    • SECTION 14 LESSON 8 - Good And Bad Complexity

  • 15

    SECTION 15 - Generic Programming

    • SECTION 15 LESSON 1 - Speed Of Development Tradeoffs

    • SECTION 15 LESSON 2 - Data Structure And Algorithms

    • SECTION 15 LESSON 3 - Iterators

    • SECTION 15 LESSON 4 - Smart Pointers And Policies

    • SECTION 15 LESSON 5 - Tuples And Variadic Templates

    • SECTION 15 LESSON 6 - Function Pointers And Callbacks

    • SECTION 15 LESSON 7 - Template Classes

    • SECTION 15 LESSON 8 - Type Traits

    • SECTION 15 LESSON 9 - Does It Have To Be So Complex

  • 16

    SECTION 16 - Heterogenous Code

    • SECTION 16 LESSON 1 - MVC Revisited

    • SECTION 16 LESSON 2 - Data Transfer

    • SECTION 16 LESSON 3 - Toolchains And Crosscompilation

    • SECTION 16 LESSON 4 - Open GL and Vulkan

    • SECTION 16 LESSON 5 - Android JS And CPP

    • SECTION 16 LESSON 6 - Gaming

    • SECTION 16 LESSON 7 - Algo Python Cuda

    • SECTION 16 LESSON 8 - Upgrading Headache

    • SECTION 16 LESSON 9 - Code Vs No Code

    • SECTION 16 LESSON 10 - Jack Of All Trades

  • 17

    SECTION 17 - Computer Architecture Revised

    • SECTION 17 LESSON 1 - The Moore Law And Beyond

    • SECTION 17 LESSON 2 - Exotic Computers

    • SECTION 17 LESSON 3 - Why Should I Care About My Computer

    • SECTION 17 LESSON 4 - Parallel Processing

    • SECTION 17 LESSON 5 - Instruction Set

    • SECTION 17 LESSON 6 - Many Levels Of Cache

    • SECTION 17 LESSON 7 - Numerical Precision

    • SECTION 17 LESSON 8 - Communication Bandwidth

  • 18

    SECTION 18 - AI Skillset

    • SECTION 18 LESSON 1 - AI Literacy

    • SECTION 18 LESSON 2 - The Game Of Scale

    • SECTION 18 LESSON 3 - Do AI Experts Need Math

    • SECTION 18 LESSON 4 - Finding The Right Solution

    • SECTION 18 LESSON 5 - Acquiring Datasets

    • SECTION 18 LESSON 6 - Deep Fake And Hallucinations

    • SECTION 18 LESSON 7 - Copiloting With AI

    • SECTION 18 LESSON 8 - Training Vs Inference

    • SECTION 18 LESSON 9 - Finding A Niche

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