
This course is somewhat unique, as it is a collection of several independent minicourses 12 sessions each. The original idea was personal advice per vertical: engineers, doctors, lawyers. With time, the number of verticals grew and now it is a course for everyone. You may find that only one of the sections of the course really touches you or you may feel that everything applies.  People are different, but we also have a lot in common and we want to understand each other. Simply reading specific advice for people with different needs and skillset, is a great way to learn, especially if you want to teach others.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    SECTION 1 - Students & Experts

    • SECTION 1 LESSON 1 - Commitment To Learning

    • SECTION 1 LESSON 2 - Declarative And Procedural Learning

    • SECTION 1 LESSON 3 - First And Second Exposure Vs Boosters

    • SECTION 1 LESSON 4 - Self Evident Understandings

    • SECTION 1 LESSON 5 - Blind Experimentation Vs Reading

    • SECTION 1 LESSON 6 - Serial Polymath Learning

    • SECTION 1 LESSON 7 - Virtues And Dangers Of Speed

    • SECTION 1 LESSON 8 - Progress To More Complex Tools

    • SECTION 1 LESSON 9 - Eliminate Waste

    • SECTION 1 LESSON 10 - Constantly Actively Ask

    • SECTION 1 LESSON 11 - Things You Can And Cannot Control

    • SECTION 1 LESSON 12 - Quality Vs Quantity Of Knowledge

  • 2

    SECTION 2 - Genes and Memes

    • SECTION 2 LESSON 1 - Nature Vs Nurture

    • SECTION 2 LESSON 2 - Raise Superlearners By Proper Marriage

    • SECTION 2 LESSON 3 - Raising A Polymath

    • SECTION 2 LESSON 4 - Optimal Timing For Learning Per Activity

    • SECTION 2 LESSON 5 - Wonder Child Failure

    • SECTION 2 LESSON 6 - Career Choice

    • SECTION 2 LESSON 7 - The Surprising Benefit Of Summer Vacations

    • SECTION 2 LESSON 8 - The Adverse Effect Of Bad Teacher

    • SECTION 2 LESSON 9 - Lifestyle And Memory

    • SECTION 2 LESSON 10 - IQ vs EQ

    • SECTION 2 LESSON 11 - Motivation Money And Satisfaction

    • SECTION 2 LESSON 12 - Passion And Calling

  • 3

    SECTION 3 - Career and Mastery

    • SECTION 3 LESSON 1 - Formal Education Helps In Job Interviews

    • SECTION 3 LESSON 2 - Professional Culture

    • SECTION 3 LESSON 3 - Collect Diverse Experiences

    • SECTION 3 LESSON 4 - Leverage Crisis

    • SECTION 3 LESSON 5 - With Time Technical Issues Disappear

    • SECTION 3 LESSON 6 - Avoid Clear Trends Or Stay In Trend

    • SECTION 3 LESSON 7 - Financial Success Is Not Professional Mastery

    • SECTION 3 LESSON 8 - Transcending The Actual Activity

    • SECTION 3 LESSON 9 - Cultural Parallels

    • SECTION 3 LESSON 10 - The Power Of Mentoring

    • SECTION 3 LESSON 11 - Nobody Is Perfect

    • SECTION 3 LESSON 12 - 30 Years Of Practice

  • 4

    SECTION 4 - Old and Impatient

    • SECTION 4 LESSON 1 - Brain By Age

    • SECTION 4 LESSON 2 - Learning New Tricks

    • SECTION 4 LESSON 3 - Dealing With Chronic Pain

    • SECTION 4 LESSON 4 - Sensory Regulation

    • SECTION 4 LESSON 5 - Eliminating Risk

    • SECTION 4 LESSON 6 - Injuries And Delayed Damage

    • SECTION 4 LESSON 7 - Passion Over Utility

    • SECTION 4 LESSON 8 - Do Or Do Not

    • SECTION 4 LESSON 9 - Speculations Of The Impatient

    • SECTION 4 LESSON 10 - When You Hurry Slow Down

    • SECTION 4 LESSON 11 - The Power To Say No

    • SECTION 4 LESSON 12 - Our Lives As A Pipeline

  • 5

    SECTION 5 - Scientists and Researcher

    • SECTION 5 LESSON 1 - Scientific Method

    • SECTION 5 LESSON 2 - Scholastics Read And Remember

    • SECTION 5 LESSON 3 - Reputation Of Person Vs Experiment

    • SECTION 5 LESSON 4 - Derivative Works And Noise

    • SECTION 5 LESSON 5 - Paradigm Shifts

    • SECTION 5 LESSON 6 - Critical Thinking

    • SECTION 5 LESSON 7 - Filter Bubbles And Statistics

    • SECTION 5 LESSON 8 - Historical Connections

    • SECTION 5 LESSON 9 - Discovery Vs Invention

    • SECTION 5 LESSON 10 - Rise And Fall Of Reputation In Science

    • SECTION 5 LESSON 11 - Popularization Of Science

    • SECTION 5 LESSON 12 - Sponsored Research

  • 6

    SECTION 6 - Engineering And Design

    • SECTION 6 LESSON 1 - Define Your KPI

    • SECTION 6 LESSON 2 - Following The Trends

    • SECTION 6 LESSON 3 - Mapping Specifications

    • SECTION 6 LESSON 4 - Do Not Miss A Pixel

    • SECTION 6 LESSON 5 - Work In Flow State

    • SECTION 6 LESSON 6 - Fine Tuned API

    • SECTION 6 LESSON 7 - Working Memory

    • SECTION 6 LESSON 8 - Context Switching

    • SECTION 6 LESSON 9 - Optimized Screens

    • SECTION 6 LESSON 10 - Fonts Matter

    • SECTION 6 LESSON 11 - Perfectionism And ROI

    • SECTION 6 LESSON 12 - Safety And Backup

  • 7

    SECTION 7 - Medicine And Wellbeing

    • SECTION 7 LESSON 1 - Research Vs Stumble Upon

    • SECTION 7 LESSON 2 - Formulating The Question

    • SECTION 7 LESSON 3 - Placebo Effect Vs Science

    • SECTION 7 LESSON 4 - Massive Memorization

    • SECTION 7 LESSON 5 - Multiple Recall Markers

    • SECTION 7 LESSON 6 - Working With Perspectives

    • SECTION 7 LESSON 7 - Healing Visualization

    • SECTION 7 LESSON 8 - Color Coded Dynamics

    • SECTION 7 LESSON 9 - Abductive Reasoning

    • SECTION 7 LESSON 10 - Navigating Decision Trees

    • SECTION 7 LESSON 11 - Self Help

    • SECTION 7 LESSON 12 - Dealing With Habits

  • 8

    SECTION 8 - Influencers And Entertainers

    • SECTION 8 LESSON 1 - Maximal Impact

    • SECTION 8 LESSON 2 - Leaving A Legacy

    • SECTION 8 LESSON 3 - Unique Like Everybody Else

    • SECTION 8 LESSON 4 - Celebrate The Diversity

    • SECTION 8 LESSON 5 - Embrace Your Inner Child

    • SECTION 8 LESSON 6 - Set Boundaries

    • SECTION 8 LESSON 7 - Ad Absurdum

    • SECTION 8 LESSON 8 - Do Not Tell Them Show Them

    • SECTION 8 LESSON 9 - Exploratory Engineering

    • SECTION 8 LESSON 10 - Illusions And Misdirections

    • SECTION 8 LESSON 11 - Ethical Responsibility

    • SECTION 8 LESSON 12 - Serious Games

  • 9

    SECTION 9 - Law And Accounting

    • SECTION 9 LESSON 1 - Detail Oriented Creativity

    • SECTION 9 LESSON 2 - Non-Stop Questioning

    • SECTION 9 LESSON 3 - Finding The Loopholes

    • SECTION 9 LESSON 4 - Practice Synestesia

    • SECTION 9 LESSON 5 - Combine Mindmaps And Palaces

    • SECTION 9 LESSON 6 - Physical Recall Markers

    • SECTION 9 LESSON 7 - Three Reading Speeds

    • SECTION 9 LESSON 8 - Fonts For Accuracy

    • SECTION 9 LESSON 9 - Computer Vs Paper

    • SECTION 9 LESSON 10 - Notetaking

    • SECTION 9 LESSON 11 - Fundamental Analysis Data

    • SECTION 9 LESSON 12 - Technical Analysis Graphs

  • 10

    SECTION 10 - Entrepreneurs And Artists

    • SECTION 10 LESSON 1 - Effective Vision

    • SECTION 10 LESSON 2 - Bulletproof Logic

    • SECTION 10 LESSON 3 - Follow The Trends

    • SECTION 10 LESSON 4 - Master Your Pen

    • SECTION 10 LESSON 5 - Stress Reduction

    • SECTION 10 LESSON 6 - Charismatic Personality

    • SECTION 10 LESSON 7 - Navigate Alternative Truth

    • SECTION 10 LESSON 8 - Polarizing Opinions

    • SECTION 10 LESSON 9 - Incomplete Knowledge

    • SECTION 10 LESSON 10 - Incomplete Statistics

    • SECTION 10 LESSON 11 - Confirmation Bias

    • SECTION 10 LESSON 12 - Statistical Biases

  • 11

    SECTION 11 - Teaching And Coaching

    • SECTION 11 LESSON 1 - Combining Storytelling With Logic

    • SECTION 11 LESSON 2 - Responsible Mentoring

    • SECTION 11 LESSON 3 - Master The Whiteboard

    • SECTION 11 LESSON 4 - Mental Palaces For Presentation

    • SECTION 11 LESSON 5 - Strategic Metaphors

    • SECTION 11 LESSON 6 - Leveraging History

    • SECTION 11 LESSON 7 - Focus On Personal Strengths

    • SECTION 11 LESSON 9 - Difficult People

    • SECTION 11 LESSON 10 - Memorize People And Faces

    • SECTION 11 LESSON 11 - Effort Vs Result

    • SECTION 11 LESSON 12 - Speedwriting

  • 12

    SECTION 12 - Brain Athletes

    • SECTION 12 LESSON 1 - Kids Visualize Faster

    • SECTION 12 LESSON 2 - The Role Of Practice

    • SECTION 12 LESSON 3 - Sports Do Not Imitate Reality

    • SECTION 12 LESSON 4 - Speed Capacity Versatility

    • SECTION 12 LESSON 5 - Teaching Others

    • SECTION 12 LESSON 6 - Practice Science And Art

    • SECTION 12 LESSON 7 - Expertise Vs Versatility

    • SECTION 12 LESSON 8 - Good And Bad Competitions

    • SECTION 12 LESSON 9 - Role Model

    • SECTION 12 LESSON 10 - History As Justification

    • SECTION 12 LESSON 11 - Mythical Overachievers

    • SECTION 12 LESSON 12 - Do It For Fun


Senior Instructor

Lev Goldentouch

Dr. Lev Goldentouch, Lifehacker and technology guru.Dr Lev Gold finished PhD in machine learning and information theory when he was 27 years old. Understanding of similarity of machine learning and human super-learning allowed Lev to learn immense amounts of knowledge in many technological and cognitive subjects. Immediately afterwards Lev opened a consulting company, which offers its services to highly skilled individuals, agile startups and technological giants like Samsung. The super-learning tools developed by Lev allow ordinary people to learn x10 speed of their colleagues, and enable machines to solve extremely complex problems. Lev is an active lifehacker, constantly looking for new and better ways to do things, and willing to share his unique knowledge and experience with others.