
Triple your motivation and resilience with one simple step: find your passion or become passionate about the things you already do! Want to hear more? This is the course you should definitely take.

In the banner, I put the flower of the passion fruit. Most of us enjoy the fruit itself, yet we seldom stop to think that without the flower there would be no fruit. In a similar way, a beautiful passionate activity often transforms into various sorts of success.

Finding passion is notoriously difficult. There is false passion, which is often an outcome of manipulation. And then there is a true passion which we discover in a process occasionally called actuation. We can actuate ourselves, be actuated by others, or help other people find their passion. Everything goes as long as the passion is true: motivating, resilience-building, and otherwise constructive. 

Do not expect to find true passion after one minicourse. Yet, when we are talking about life-long learning, you should understand which cues of passion to look for. I think that if you really dedicate a large part of your life to learning you are guaranteed to find a true passion eventually.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    New Chapter

    • 1 - How To Stay Motivated And Satisfied

    • 2 - Identity As Masterpiece

    • 3 - Choose Values

    • 4 - Let A Purpose Find You

    • 5 - Happiness Is Optional

    • 6 - Focus On Legacy

    • 7 - Reshaping Life Into Narrative

    • 8 - Organic Growth

    • 9 - Tough Choices

    • 10 - Being A Role Model

    • 11 - Four Kinds Of Motivation

    • 12 - Games People Play

    • 13 - Actuate Others

    • 14 - Diagnostics

    • 15 - Accepting Feedback

    • 16 - Destiny And Resistance

    • 17 - Resisting Despair

    • 18 - Fighting Procrastination

    • 19 - Material Art

    • 20 - Failure And Revival

    • 21 - Inducing Passion

    • 22 - Strong Emotional Response

    • 23 - Focus On Post Scriptum

    • 24 - Impatience Is The Opposite Of Passion

    • 25 - Just The Right Level Of Excitement

    • 26 - Baby Steps

    • 27 - Volatile Work Life Balance

    • 28 - Passionate Work And Life


Senior Instructor

Lev Goldentouch

Dr. Lev Goldentouch, Lifehacker and technology guru.Dr Lev Gold finished PhD in machine learning and information theory when he was 27 years old. Understanding of similarity of machine learning and human super-learning allowed Lev to learn immense amounts of knowledge in many technological and cognitive subjects. Immediately afterwards Lev opened a consulting company, which offers its services to highly skilled individuals, agile startups and technological giants like Samsung. The super-learning tools developed by Lev allow ordinary people to learn x10 speed of their colleagues, and enable machines to solve extremely complex problems. Lev is an active lifehacker, constantly looking for new and better ways to do things, and willing to share his unique knowledge and experience with others.