Course Description

Living a good life is a sort of art. We want to be happy, our life to have a meaning, and some good stories to tell before we die. Maybe something more, which is very personal. 

Most coaches stop at this point. I try to go deeper, analyzing, and optimizing each area of my life. This course is a collection of such observations about the meaning of life, the role of sleep, the food that we eat, our arts, and our pets. 

Productivity coaches call the time we spend on our wellbeing "sharpening the saw". Kids call it "lifehacks". Living the best life you can live... For me, this is a sort of sport, art, and science. 

In this course, I share some of my understandings.

Senior Instructor

Lev Goldentouch

Dr. Lev Goldentouch, Lifehacker and technology guru.Dr Lev Gold finished PhD in machine learning and information theory when he was 27 years old. Understanding of similarity of machine learning and human super-learning allowed Lev to learn immense amounts of knowledge in many technological and cognitive subjects. Immediately afterwards Lev opened a consulting company, which offers its services to highly skilled individuals, agile startups and technological giants like Samsung. The super-learning tools developed by Lev allow ordinary people to learn x10 speed of their colleagues, and enable machines to solve extremely complex problems. Lev is an active lifehacker, constantly looking for new and better ways to do things, and willing to share his unique knowledge and experience with others.

Course curriculum

  • 12 x $90.00

    12 x $90.00Basic: Fundamental skills

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  • 48 x $250.00

    48 x $250.00Full Lifetime Access

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  • $5.00 / month

    $5.00 / monthKeyToMeaning Monthly Subscription

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