Course Description

This course addresses a unique niche between traditional investment courses, life planning, and entrepreneurship. Our lives are short and our resources limited. The basic question we ask: how to maximize the returns on our time and money.

The time is addressed via basic productivity tools and investment via its own tools and formulas. But then I try to remove the barriers between disciplines. Is learning a foreign language a good investment? What are the valid ways to generate a second income? Which events in our lives are the riskiest, and how can we hedge against them? Can we consider the time and money we dedicate to our own children an investment?

Earning potential is tripled via second income, solid investments, and lifelong learning. Risks are reduced via self-discipline, balanced portfolio, and proper analysis. Luck is created by trying things when failing does not hurt and using opportunities when we see them.

The premise is simple. The actual realization is somewhat harder. Especially when we consider new technologies and social trends. I do not offer something that will make you rich tomorrow but focus on good life and honorable aging.

Senior Instructor

Lev Goldentouch

Dr. Lev Goldentouch, Lifehacker and technology guru.Dr Lev Gold finished PhD in machine learning and information theory when he was 27 years old. Understanding of similarity of machine learning and human super-learning allowed Lev to learn immense amounts of knowledge in many technological and cognitive subjects. Immediately afterwards Lev opened a consulting company, which offers its services to highly skilled individuals, agile startups and technological giants like Samsung. The super-learning tools developed by Lev allow ordinary people to learn x10 speed of their colleagues, and enable machines to solve extremely complex problems. Lev is an active lifehacker, constantly looking for new and better ways to do things, and willing to share his unique knowledge and experience with others.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Section 1 - Return On Investment

  • 2

    Section 2 - Learning and Career

    • SECTION 2 LESSON 1 - Learning As Investment

    • SECTION 2 LESSON 2 - Knowledge Life Cycle

    • SECTION 2 LESSON 3 - Context Of Knowledge

    • SECTION 2 LESSON 4 - Everything Is Personal

    • SECTION 2 LESSON 5 - Personal Brand

    • SECTION 2 LESSON 6 - Professional Risks

    • SECTION 2 LESSON 7 - Mentor Consultant Or Manager

    • SECTION 2 LESSON 8 - Investing Into Personal Growth

    • SECTION 2 LESSON 9 - Luck And Character

    • SECTION 2 LESSON 10 - Burnout And Recovery

    • SECTION 2 LESSON 11 - Requalification

    • SECTION 2 LESSON 12 - Relocation

    • SECTION 2 LESSON 13 - Defining A Successful Career

    • SECTION 2 LESSON 14 - Learning For Fun

    • SECTION 2 LESSON 15 - Complementary Learning

    • SECTION 2 LESSON 16 - Over learning And Productivity Learning

    • SECTION 2 LESSON 17 - Return On Investment In Learning

  • 3

    Section 3 - Second Income

    • SECTION 3 LESSON 1 - Why Do We Need A Second Income

    • SECTION 3 LESSON 2 - Support The Spouse

    • SECTION 3 LESSON 3 - Invest In Home

    • SECTION 3 LESSON 4 - To Earn More Or Spend Less

    • SECTION 3 LESSON 5 - Sources Of Income

    • SECTION 3 LESSON 6 - Part Time Consulting

    • SECTION 3 LESSON 7 - Teaching

    • SECTION 3 LESSON 8 - Middleman And Arbitration

    • SECTION 3 LESSON 9 - From Hobby To Occupation

    • SECTION 3 LESSON 10 - Online Salesmanship

    • SECTION 3 LESSON 11 - Influencer

    • SECTION 3 LESSON 12 - Product Creation

    • SECTION 3 LESSON 13 - Hosting Events

    • SECTION 3 LESSON 14 - Real Estate

    • SECTION 3 LESSON 15 - Be An Angel

  • 4

    Section 4 - Stock Exchange

    • SECTION 4 LESSON 1 - Why Should We Trade

    • SECTION 4 LESSON 2 - Tradeable Assets

    • SECTION 4 LESSON 3 - Market Orders


    • SECTION 4 LESSON 5 - Sharp Ratio Seeking Alpha

    • SECTION 4 LESSON 6 - Useful Strategies

    • SECTION 4 LESSON 7 - Buy And Hold Strategy

    • SECTION 4 LESSON 8 - Momentum Trading

    • SECTION 4 LESSON 9 - Bonds

    • SECTION 4 LESSON 10 - Balanced Portfolio

    • SECTION 4 LESSON 11 - Global Assets

    • SECTION 4 LESSON 12 - Hedging

    • SECTION 4 LESSON 13 - Commodities

    • SECTION 4 LESSON 14 - Arbitration

    • SECTION 4 LESSON 15 - Management Etoro

  • 5

    Section 5 - Crypto

    • SECTION 5 LESSON 1 - Is It Wise To Invest In Crypto

    • SECTION 5 LESSON 2 - Bitcoin history

    • SECTION 5 LESSON 3 - Blockchain Bitcoin As a Ledger

    • SECTION 5 LESSON 4 - Bitcoin Consensus

    • SECTION 5 LESSON 5 - Banking On Bitcoin

    • SECTION 5 LESSON 6 - Etherium

    • SECTION 5 LESSON 7 - Alt Coins


    • SECTION 5 LESSON 9 - Ripple And Hyperledger

    • SECTION 5 LESSON 10 - Iota And Tangle

    • SECTION 5 LESSON 11 - Mining

    • SECTION 5 LESSON 12 - Master Nodes

    • SECTION 5 LESSON 13 - Crypto Exchange

    • SECTION 5 LESSON 14 - Common Trading Strategies


    • SECTION 5 LESSON 16 - Money Loans

    • SECTION 5 LESSON 17 - Making Money Crypto

  • 6

    Section 6 - Research And Analysis

    • SECTION 6 LESSON 1 - Research Before During And After

    • SECTION 6 LESSON 2 - Analyzing PR

    • SECTION 6 LESSON 3 - Fundamental Analysis

    • SECTION 6 LESSON 4 - Technical Analysis

    • SECTION 6 LESSON 5 - Tecnhological And Demographical Trends

    • SECTION 6 LESSON 6 - Hands On Research

    • SECTION 6 LESSON 7 - Networking

    • SECTION 6 LESSON 8 - Self Education

    • SECTION 6 LESSON 9 - Regulation

    • SECTION 6 LESSON 10 - Combining Research Steps

  • 7

    Section 7 - Influence

    • SECTION 7 LESSON 1 - We Work On Reputation And It Works For Us

    • SECTION 7 LESSON 2 - Integrity

    • SECTION 7 LESSON 3 - Credit

    • SECTION 7 LESSON 4 - Communication

    • SECTION 7 LESSON 5 - Personal Branding

    • SECTION 7 LESSON 6 - Luck

    • SECTION 7 LESSON 7 - Storytelling

    • SECTION 7 LESSON 8 - Share Your Expereinces

    • SECTION 7 LESSON 9 - Combine Technical And Personal

    • SECTION 7 LESSON 10 - Use Your Passions

    • SECTION 7 LESSON 11 - How To Network Effectively

  • 8

    Section 8 - Discipline

    • SECTION 8 LESSON 1 - Self Discipline Is A Must

    • SECTION 8 LESSON 2 - Arousal Levels

    • SECTION 8 LESSON 3 - Love And Marriage

    • SECTION 8 LESSON 4 - Dealing With Temptations

    • SECTION 8 LESSON 5 - Controlling Arousal

    • SECTION 8 LESSON 6 - Have A Rulebook

    • SECTION 8 LESSON 7 - Compulsive Behaviors

    • SECTION 8 LESSON 8 - Speculations

    • SECTION 8 LESSON 9 - Excessive Self Discipline

    • SECTION 8 LESSON 10 - Invest In Resilience

    • SECTION 8 LESSON 11 - Build The Romantic Relationship

    • SECTION 8 LESSON 12 - Happiness As A Byproduct

    • SECTION 8 LESSON 13 - Children As Investment

    • SECTION 8 LESSON 14 - Good Habits

    • SECTION 8 LESSON 15 - Sunstainable Spendings

    • SECTION 8 LESSON 16 - Vacations And Travels

    • SECTION 8 LESSON 17 - Following The Rules And Personality

  • 9

    Section 9 - Accountability

    • SECTION 9 LESSON 1 - Scientific Approach

    • SECTION 9 LESSON 2 - Measuring Everything

    • SECTION 9 LESSON 3 - Key Performance Indicators

    • SECTION 9 LESSON 4 - Technical Vs Fundamental

    • SECTION 9 LESSON 5 - CBT Diary

    • SECTION 9 LESSON 6 - Ditch False Precision

    • SECTION 9 LESSON 7 - Luck Vs Strategy

    • SECTION 9 LESSON 8 - Secrecy Vs Transparency

    • SECTION 9 LESSON 9 - Commitment To Ethics

  • 10

    Section 10 - Exponential Growth

    • SECTION 10 LESSON 1 - Why Exponential Growth Rocks

    • SECTION 10 LESSON 2 - Work For Your Future Self

    • SECTION 10 LESSON 3 -Time Vs Risk

    • SECTION 10 LESSON 4 - Law Of Large Numbers

    • SECTION 10 LESSON 5 - Learning Pays Off

    • SECTION 10 LESSON 6 - Loans And Leveraging

    • SECTION 10 LESSON 7 - Risk Level Optimization

    • SECTION 10 LESSON 8 - Stock Bond And REIT

    • SECTION 10 LESSON 9 - Career Choice And Growth

    • SECTION 10 LESSON 10 - Value Vs Initiative

    • SECTION 10 LESSON 11 - Limitations To Prediction Power

  • 11

    Section 11 - Long Cycles Demographics Crisis

    • SECTION 11 LESSON 1 - Cycles That Take Decades

    • SECTION 11 LESSON 2 - Demographic Factors

    • SECTION 11 LESSON 3 - Commodities Supercycles

    • SECTION 11 LESSON 4 - Rare Events

    • SECTION 11 LESSON 5 - Climate Change

    • SECTION 11 LESSON 6 - Prophet Vs Magician

    • SECTION 11 LESSON 7 - Technological Opportunities

    • SECTION 11 LESSON 8 - From Low End To High End

    • SECTION 11 LESSON 9 - Regulatory Response

  • 12

    Section 12 - David Vs Goliath

    • SECTION 12 LESSON 1 - Algo Trading

    • SECTION 12 LESSON 2 - Too Late To Get The News

    • SECTION 12 LESSON 3 - Growth Vs Value

    • SECTION 12 LESSON 4 - Advantages To Scale

    • SECTION 12 LESSON 5 - The Price Of The Size

    • SECTION 12 LESSON 6 - The Bigger They Are The Harder They Fall

    • SECTION 12 LESSON 7 - Small And Dexterous

    • SECTION 12 LESSON 8 - Gray Area

    • SECTION 12 LESSON 10 - Bubbles

    • SECTION 12 LESSON 11 - Work For Options

    • SECTION 12 LESSON 12 - Beyond Acceptable Risk

    • SECTION 12 LESSON 13 - Lower Your Expectations

  • 13

    SECTION 13 - Assets And Liabilities, Fixed And Variable

    • SECTION 13 LESSON 1 - Rich Dad Poor Dad

    • SECTION 13 LESSON 2 - Business Risks

    • SECTION 13 LESSON 3 - Calculating Net Worth

    • SECTION 13 LESSON 4 - Stop Playing Money Games

    • SECTION 13 LESSON 5 - Liquidity

    • SECTION 13 LESSON 6 - Inflation

    • SECTION 13 LESSON 7 - Tax Considerations And Creative Accounting

    • SECTION 13 LESSON 8 - Trust Your Accountant And Not Your Coach

  • 14

    SECTION 14 - Time, Money And Discipline

    • SECTION 14 LESSON 1 - Revisiting Non Monetary Assets

    • SECTION 14 LESSON 2 - Compound And Diversified Focus

    • SECTION 14 LESSON 3 - Energy Is Renewable Not Compounding

    • SECTION 14 LESSON 4 - Influence Can Be Aggregated Not Diversified

    • SECTION 14 LESSON 5 - Why Smaller Transactions Aggregate More Effectively

    • SECTION 14 LESSON 6 - Use Reasonable Time Units

    • SECTION 14 LESSON 7 - Discipline Vs Willpower

    • SECTION 14 LESSON 8 - Power And Responsibility

  • 15

    SECTION 15 - Financial Education For My Kids

    • SECTION 15 LESSON 1 - Three Things The Child Needs To Know

    • SECTION 15 LESSON 2 - Personal Values

    • SECTION 15 LESSON 3 - Diversification And Alternatives

    • SECTION 15 LESSON 4 - Saving Pennies

    • SECTION 15 LESSON 5 - Cognitive Biases

    • SECTION 15 LESSON 6 - Numbers Do Not Lie

    • SECTION 15 LESSON 7 - Dealing With Stress

    • SECTION 15 LESSON 8 - Financial Freedom

  • 16

    SECTION 16 - Real Estate

    • SECTION 16 LESSON 1 - Location And Demography

    • SECTION 16 LESSON 2 - StrategiesAndTactics

    • SECTION 16 LESSON 3 - Types Of Real Estate


    • SECTION 16 LESSON 5 - My Personal House Hacking

    • SECTION 16 LESSON 6 - Loans And Financing

    • SECTION 16 LESSON 7 - Trade Up Vs Rental

    • SECTION 16 LESSON 8 - Pros And Cons Of Real Estate

  • 17

    SECTION 17 - Formulating Personal Vision

    • SECTION 17 LESSON 1 - The Persona Vision Redefined

    • SECTION 17 LESSON 2 - Rich People Value Time Above Money

    • SECTION 17 LESSON 3 - Numbers Are More Than That

    • SECTION 17 LESSON 4 - Risk Tolerance And Patience

    • SECTION 17 LESSON 5 - Viewing Personal Portfolio As A Single Entity

    • SECTION 17 LESSON 6 - Freedom Power Comfort

    • SECTION 17 LESSON 7 - Incremental Refinement

    • SECTION 17 LESSON 8 - Merging Narratives

  • 18

    SECTION 18 - Finding Personal Advantage

    • SECTION 18 LESSON 1 - Go Hyper Local

    • SECTION 18 LESSON 2 - Beat The Distribution

    • SECTION 18 LESSON 3 - Shape The Future

    • SECTION 18 LESSON 4 - Join The Herds

    • SECTION 18 LESSON 5 - Long Game

    • SECTION 18 LESSON 6 - Invest Time To Gain Time

    • SECTION 18 LESSON 7 - The Outliers

    • SECTION 18 LESSON 8 - The Winning Strategies

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