Course Description

To work well with other people, we can leverage our strengths. This can be done by living more meaningful lives with workable goals. If you know the psychological ACT paradigm you recognize the keywords: acceptance and commitment. 

Working with other people always has overheads. We cannot remove the overheads, but we can reduce them significantly. Once we learn to apply acceptance and commitment, we can also help others deal with the challenges of teamwork.

A great team is about very different people leveraging their strengths and allowing each other to discover their full potential. This art can be learned. 

In this course, I go well beyond what is offered by most ACT courses, building upon relational frame theory and mindfulness. The course is optimized for more gentle techniques, which you can apply to others without a special license. It can be used together with anchoring/diffusion and teaching masterclasses for a wider selection of tools and mindsets.

Senior Instructor

Lev Goldentouch

Dr. Lev Goldentouch, Lifehacker and technology guru.Dr Lev Gold finished PhD in machine learning and information theory when he was 27 years old. Understanding of similarity of machine learning and human super-learning allowed Lev to learn immense amounts of knowledge in many technological and cognitive subjects. Immediately afterwards Lev opened a consulting company, which offers its services to highly skilled individuals, agile startups and technological giants like Samsung. The super-learning tools developed by Lev allow ordinary people to learn x10 speed of their colleagues, and enable machines to solve extremely complex problems. Lev is an active lifehacker, constantly looking for new and better ways to do things, and willing to share his unique knowledge and experience with others.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    SECTION 1 - Actuation As A Goal

    • SECTION 1 LESSON 1 - Not Your Ordinary Leadership Course

    • SECTION 1 LESSON 2 - The Meaning Of Actuation

    • SECTION 1 LESSON 3 - Words Like A Double Edged Sword

    • SECTION 1 LESSON 4 - ACT Paradigm

    • SECTION 1 LESSON 5 - Managing A Context

    • SECTION 1 LESSON 6 - Awareness, Courage, Love

    • SECTION 1 LESSON 7 - What You See Is Not What You Get

    • SECTION 1 LESSON 8 - Functional Approach

  • 2

    SECTION 2 - Optimizing Synergy

    • SECTION 2 LESSON 1 - When Diversity Works

    • SECTION 2 LESSON 2 - Fairness And Respect

    • SECTION 2 LESSON 3 - Multiple Leaders

    • SECTION 2 LESSON 4 - Fighting Chaos

    • SECTION 2 LESSON 5 - Reinforce Positive Interactions

    • SECTION 2 LESSON 6 - Present Alternatives

    • SECTION 2 LESSON 7 - Diffuse Ego From Discussion

    • SECTION 2 LESSON 8 - Highest Common Ground

    • SECTION 2 LESSON 9 - Use Values As Attractors



  • 3

    SECTION 3 - Commitment

    • SECTION 3 LESSON 1 - Commitment Pays Off

    • SECTION 3 LESSON 2 - Experiential Avoidance

    • SECTION 3 LESSON 3 - Feeling Trapped

    • SECTION 3 LESSON 4 - Control And Stress

    • SECTION 3 LESSON 5 - Attachment As Suffering

    • SECTION 3 LESSON 6 - Transcend Into Mastery

    • SECTION 3 LESSON 7 - Do What Matters

    • SECTION 3 LESSON 8 - Be Present

  • 4

    SECTION 4 - Acceptance

    • SECTION 4 LESSON 1 - Choose Workable Solutions

    • SECTION 4 LESSON 2 - Where Is Pain Is Life

    • SECTION 4 LESSON 3 - Experiential Avoidance


    • SECTION 4 LESSON 5 - Limitations Of Control

    • SECTION 4 LESSON 6 - Blue Ocean

    • SECTION 4 LESSON 7 - Open Up

    • SECTION 4 LESSON 8 - Be An Early Adaptor

    • SECTION 4 LESSON 9 - Unworkable Action

    • SECTION 4 LESSON 10 - Unclear Value

  • 5

    SECTION 5 - Compassion

    • SECTION 5 LESSON 1 - Basic Compassion

    • SECTION 5 LESSON 2 - Basic Humanity

    • SECTION 5 LESSON 3 - Validation, Clarification, Redirection

    • SECTION 5 LESSON 4 - Self As A Concept

    • SECTION 5 LESSON 5 - Circular Questioning

    • SECTION 5 LESSON 6 - Paradox Method

    • SECTION 5 LESSON 7 - Meditate On Compassion

    • SECTION 5 LESSON 8 - Learn The Other Guy's Language

    • SECTION 5 LESSON 9 - Stop Filter Bubble

    • SECTION 5 LESSON 10 - Beyond Golden Rule

    • SECTION 5 LESSON 11 - Poor People More Compassionate

    • SECTION 5 LESSON 12 - Perverted Compassion

  • 6

    SECTION 6 - Assertivity

    • SECTION 6 LESSON 1 - Frustration Is Deadly


    • SECTION 6 LESSON 2 - The Need To Be Heard

    • SECTION 6 LESSON 3 - Freedom To Say No

    • SECTION 6 LESSON 4 - FU Money

    • SECTION 6 LESSON 5 - Assertive Action Plan

    • SECTION 6 LESSON 6 - Unbearable Reality

    • SECTION 6 LESSON 7 - Call For Initiative

    • SECTION 6 LESSON 8 - Highly Sensitive People

    • SECTION 6 LESSON 9 - What Do Women Want

  • 7

    SECTION 7 - Planning Together

    • SECTION 7 LESSON 1 - Dictators Vs Committee

    • SECTION 7 LESSON 2 - Formulating Common Goals

    • SECTION 7 LESSON 3 - Different Interests

    • SECTION 7 LESSON 4 - Accounting Pitfalls

    • SECTION 7 LESSON 5 - Negotiating Progress Status

    • SECTION 7 LESSON 6 - For The Greater Good

    • SECTION 7 LESSON 7 - Yielding To Common Goals

    • SECTION 7 LESSON 8 - Level Of Formalism

    • SECTION 7 LESSON 9 - Assign Monitoring

  • 8

    SECTION 8 - The Art Of Integration

    • SECTION 8 LESSON 1 - Work Of An Integrator

    • SECTION 8 LESSON 2 - Versions And Branches

    • SECTION 8 LESSON 3 - Merging

    • SECTION 8 LESSON 4 - Meaningful Terminology

    • SECTION 8 LESSON 5 - Optimizing Up Integration

    • SECTION 8 LESSON 6 - Cherry Picking

    • SECTION 8 LESSON 7 - Redundancy

    • SECTION 8 LESSON 8 - Mediation

    • SECTION 8 LESSON 9 - Resource Distribution

    • SECTION 8 LESSON 10 - Permissions

  • 9

    Chapter 9 - Ethical Relativity

    • SECTION 9 LESSON 1 - Ethics Means Money

    • SECTION 9 LESSON 2 - Ethics Are Relative

    • SECTION 9 LESSON 3 - Handshake Agreement

    • SECTION 9 LESSON 3A - Ethics Is Cultural

    • SECTION 9 LESSON 4 - Questions Over Answers

    • SECTION 9 LESSON 5 - Do The Right Thing

    • SECTION 9 LESSON 6 - Making Career Choices

    • SECTION 9 LESSON 7 - Taking Responsibility

    • SECTION 9 LESSON 8 - Hindsight Justification

    • SECTION 9 LESSON 9 - Making Amends

  • 10

    Chapter 10 - Stoicism

    • SECTION 10 LESSON 1 - From Roman To Modern

    • SECTION 10 LESSON 2 - Pleasure Vs Purpose

    • SECTION 10 LESSON 3 - The Other Book Of Maslow

    • SECTION 10 LESSON 4 - Stoic Calm

    • SECTION 10 LESSON 5 - Control

    • SECTION 10 LESSON 6 - Morning And Evening Rituals

    • SECTION 10 LESSON 7 - Consider The Legacy

    • SECTION 10 LESSON 8 - Social Responsibility

    • SECTION 10 LESSON 9 - Dealing With Hard Question

  • $100.00 first payment, $30.00 / month onwards

    $100.00 first payment, $30.00 / month onwardsKeyToMission Monthly Subscription

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    48 x $250.00Full Lifetime Access

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    24 x $90.00Mastery

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