The KeyToStudy skills
brief superlearning minicourse
This the shortest and the cheapest course we offer on study skills. We call it a mini-course, yet it is packed with important and useful information. We took some of the most fundamental lectures in other courses and put them in a reasonable chronological order. You can read x3 faster, remember x3 better and improve your focus and visualization x3 using the skills we present in this course. If you want to improve further, understand why the tips in this course work and deal with some less common challenges we recommend buying dedicated courses.
Lev Goldentouch
Examples of useful visualizations
A memorable visualization
Visualization for texts
Training visualization
Personal style
Visualizations vs markers and anchors
Sources of mental imagery
Make it special
Funny Story
Animating the visualization
The most useful visualization: PAO (person-action-object)
Visualization dictionaries
Chunking, linking, mindmaps and memory palaces - from the book
Visual memory recap
Dual coding
The forgetting curve
Spaced repetitions
Systematic knowledge build-up
How to enforce long term memory retention while reading
Reading and alternatives
Different tactics for different content
Read to remember
Reading something we disagree with
100% retention reading
Peripheral vision and eidetic memory
Subvocalization suppression
Controlling eye movement
Speedreading training - from the book
Short term visual memory training - from the book
Why speedreading training is difficult
Reading challenge #1
Reading challenge #2
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